How I Started Golden Goose

Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Dominic Tyler.

I'm Chinese, but I grew up in your typical American suburb of the great state of Washington. I'm a little bit on the nerdy side. In my spare time, I play video games, read books, and cook food. I love reading Twitter.

At the beginning of 2019, I made a New Year's resolution to start a business. I'm absolutely determined to make it work. My personal mantra: "100 hours a week--Until, I, win."

It may surprise you to learn that I wasn't always an entrepreneur.

In fact, I started out as a software engineer.

Software engineering was fun, especially in Silicon Valley. But after 8 years, I kinda got burnt out by programming. I didn't like working for someone else.

The only reason I wanted to do software engineering was to found companies. I thought the easiest way to do that was software. It's the hottest growth industry after all.

Boy was I wrong. It wasn't easy at all to build a software company.

Then one day, while I was procrastinating at my day job by reading Twitter, I learned about online business. E-commerce.

So I quit my job.

And launched a company.

Actually that first company failed. But I kept going.

Now I have a general emporium featuring unique products you're not gonna find at your local Walmart.

Here at Golden Goose, I hope you find something that you're really excited to have!